Chess Comp Stomp
So you keep trying and trying but cannot defeat the computer in Chess? Try a chess game with hacks! Chess Comp Stomp brings a fun twist on traditional chess. A range of cheats and rule changes to spice up your gameplay. It's a game where strategy meets chaos. Choose your cheats and see if you can outwit AI!
- Use your cursor to play
How to Play Chess Comp Stomp Unblocked
- You have 10 hack points at the beginning. Use your points wisely to buy a basket of cheats.
- Cheats consist of tactics, eliteness, and rule-warping. You can read about how these work below on this page.
- Press the play button to start the game; begin with the standard chessboard setup but with added features like extra pieces and unique rules.
- Checkmate your opponent's king in this hacked chess game.
- Completing each of the objectives listed below brings 10 hack points hack points.
- Win a Game Against the AI
- Deliver Checkmate Using a Knight
- Win by Playing at Most 25 Moves
- Promote a Piece to a Bishop
- Win with 5 Queens on the Board
- Launch A Nuke
- Pawn Boost: The first time a pawn moves, it may advance forward 3 squares. A pawn that moves forward 3 squares cannot be captured en passant.
- Upgraded Knights: Your knights may make extended knight's moves (moving forward 3 squares and 1 square to the side).
- Tactical Nuke: You start each game with a nuke. The nuke requires 10 turns before it becomes operational and cannot target the opponent's king.
- Cannoning: Your rooks can capture enemy pieces even if there is another piece between your rook and the target piece.
- Extra Pawn: Start with an additional pawn. This extra pawn may advance 2 squares on its first move and cannot be captured en passant.
- Another Extra Pawn: Start with another extra pawn. Like the first extra pawn, this one may advance 2 squares on its first move and cannot be captured en passant.
- Extra Queen: Start with an extra queen.
- Mandatory Captures: Capturing is compulsory for your opponent. If your opponent can capture a piece, they must do so.
- Sacrificial Pawns: When any of your pawns are captured, the capturing piece is also removed from the board. Your opponent's king cannot capture your pawns.
Rule Warping
- Super Castling: You may castle as long as there are no pieces between your king and rook. Super castling is allowed regardless of whether the king or rook has previously moved. You cannot super castle out of, through, or into check. Super castling is allowed both horizontally and vertically.
- Anti-Stalemate: If it is your turn and you have no legal moves, you win the game. If it is your opponent's turn and they have no legal moves, you win the game.
- Diagonal Rooks: In addition to their normal moves, your rooks may also move as if they were bishops.
- Upgraded Queen: Your queen may also move as if it were a knight.
- Super En Passant: Your pawns may capture enemy pieces that are horizontally adjacent to them. Super en passant is allowed regardless of when or how the enemy piece moved. The pawn may capture super en passant regardless of which rank it is on.
- Equitable Promotions: Your rooks, knights, bishops, and queen may be promoted upon reaching the last rank.
DTSUDO created Chess Comp Stomp, adding a fresh spin to the classic game of chess.